First I was eating like a pig and working the One lift a day program by Dan John.
After that I was a crazy pig starting the Velocity Diet.
I´m still doing that one, Sunday 2400 will be the finish- line.
Right now I´m looking forward to it, simply because I´m starting to feel I need quality food again.
I learned a lot so far, re-evaluated my idea of nutrition, discovered some things circling around in my head and lost some fat in the process.
The next phase is gonna be the consolidation: I´m gonna be pig all the way. I´ll train and eat like one.. ;-D
One success sets you up for the next one.
(Please, think about that one for a moment...It can make a huge difference in your life.)
Ok, why the comment above?
Because I lost some weight. I only consumed Protein- shakes for 4 weeks. I retained all of my strength and likely gained some conditioning because I´m lighter.
Still...My body is craving nutrients, fuel, energy which does not come from within.
So the next few weeks, 4-5 to name numbers, will be dedicated to strength work.
I was provided the possibility to train at a friends apartment, he has an awesome power rack, lots of weights, barbells and dumbbells... To sum it up: everything you need to become stronger.
Always going hand-in-hand with a decent strength protocol is a decent nutrition.
I´ll stick to one main indicator to know when to eat: hunger.
After reseting pretty much everything through the Velocity Diet I´ll simply trust myself to tell me when to eat.
I´ll consume 1-3 Protein- shakes per day, I´ll eat 1-3 meals per day, I´ll stick with protein, fat and veggies on my off-days and consume protein, veggies and carbs on training days.
About the training...
When we are talking about barbells and the basic exercises I know some things but had little practice so far.
So I pulled out my best reference towards strength training available in my literature: Purposeful Primitive by Marty Gallagher.
I like this book so much, I read it 3 times I think...
Finally I have the opportunity to practice some of the things I read about.
I chose to go with a 2 day/week training.
Marty describes it as somewhat crazy and... well... I like crazy. It´s OK, people tell me, ask me, whisper about me being crazy all the time´s OK.
Each of the two days I´m gonna work up to one top set with 5 reps and add 3x8 back-off sets with roughly 75% of the top set.
This is done first for the Back squat, then for the Bench-press and then for the Dead-lift.
After this terrific amount of pushing and pulling little girl weights I´ll do one upper body pulling and one upper body pushing movement. Marty calls it Biceps- and Triceps work.
But I´ll stay away from triceps- push-downs as far as possible.
Instead I´ll stick with dips, heavy barbell curls and chinups. Which will be really funny after the basic- movements before. But hey, call me crazy... ;-D
2 times a week the body will be blasted, the rest of the week I do some easy cardio (I´ll talk about that in a further blog-post), maybe yoga and eat a lot which I hope will increase my strength- levels as well as my muscle mass.
We will see, as always I will keep you posted.
Train hard and enjoy every moment!
All the best,
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