Sonntag, 28. Februar 2010

Short, simple, effective.

Below a workout I performed two days ago.

Less can be more. Just depends on how you do it!

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,

Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010


Most of the time I try not to make too much fuss about what to eat, when to eat, food combinations and whatever "important" point I just missed.

But several things brought me back to the topic:

- I suffered from a severe "disturbance" of my gastro- intestinal- tract. (Lets put it this way: the only exercise I could do for several days where quarter- squats on the toilet and one- arm- waterbottle-curls, to throw in some variations I used a teacup for some of the curls)

- I read two interesting articles about food and food- timing during the last two days.

- I read a good amount of the book "Primeal Body - Primeal Mind" by Nora T. Gedgaudas. As far as I got she covered the importance of Fats in your diet, as well as reasons why carbs are not necessary.

I´m not that arrogant yet to start to explain why fats are bad and carbs make no sense when you look at your biochemical- puzzle called Human Body.
Yes, I´m a future doctor but my love there lies with the psychiatry, so I know for sure I´m a little crazy but that is it.

Some things I understand with the basic chemical and biochemical knowledge I got and when I look at the way humanity, as a species, went to get were we are today:

What to eat:
I´ll keep that one simple:
-some fruit (do not go crazy here...)
-raw milk or milk- products made from raw- milk.
Quality is more important than quantity.
That´s it.

When to eat:
Eat when you are hungry.
That´s it.

And check out the link above.
It´s about intermitted fasting, meaning not eating anything every other day.
Well...If a primitive caveman could deal with it, you can do.

Even in the bible they set certain times during the year where you were told to cut down on your intake an give the body a chance to clear some of the mess up you create when eating junk.

Also quite an amount of research is done investigating how fasting influcences your risk of getting some type of cancer.
As far as we know, FASTING WILL HELP PREVENT EVERY TYPE OF CANCER, since all cancer cells got one thing in common: they need sugar aka carbs.
You don´t need to stop eating but throw in a fasting day once or twice a week where you only drink water, some high quality tea, maybe a small yogurt from raw milk.

Where to get this stuff:

Check your local Farmers´ Market.
You will get stuff there cheaper and will experience a quality impossible to find in supermarket- products.
Plus you will do something good for your planet.(see link above)

Nutrition is key.
It will not only teach you how your body and mind can work at peak capacity, it will also teach you a good deal about life.
But more on that some other time when we talk about life- coaching.

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,

Sonntag, 14. Februar 2010

As simple as it gets

Put on your clothes (that one is a courtesy to society), get out into nature, pick up something heavy and put it over your head several times.


Good. Take the same thing or if you want to mix it up something else and carry it for time or distance.


Good. Go home, take a shower and eat a lot.

Repeat this for several times a week, make sure the objects you pick up are getting bigger and heavier and you got yourself a training- "system" which will make you stronger, more musclular and mentally tough.

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,

Samstag, 6. Februar 2010

VAKOG in Training or "The man in the mirror"

When you start training and look at yourself (in every possibly perspective) and do the same thing after 1,3,5 years of training, you notice a fair amount of change.

Due to my life as a trainer and a therapist-in-training I observed that many trainees go through the VAKOG- stages when starting training seriously.

First: What is VAKOG?
It is a abbravation from the hypnotic vocabulary, where every letter stands for one quality of perception.


Whenever a person is coming up to me to start training (well...there are, as aways, the exeptions), they come driven by the visual sense...
When asked, the first reason to start training given to me is "to be healthy".
90% of the time I sense this is bullsh*it, but whatever gives somebody a good nights´ sleep works for me.
The second reason is something like "getting in shape" aka "looking good at the beach/in a tight top/a miniskirt/naked/..." and then we hit the spot.

People are focused on how they present themselves to the outside world, how other people percieve them, what impression they make without doing something like acting(giving them a reason to admire them, hate them, whatever), saying something (smart or dumb)...
So in short, they live outside themselves, the lost contact to their center, whatever you want to call it.

When training begun, other senses come into play, because they can not see their mirror- image anymore, maybe because there are no mirrors when training with me or maybe because all the sweat is blocking their vision.
That is a good thing!

The next senses are commonly taste and smell because... Well, my trainees sweat a lot.

If they can accept the hard work I put them through, the teachings, the endless exercises to perfect technique, another sense comes into play:

This is the point in my trainees life they actually start to listen to me, not only what I tell them with my words, stuff they can just reproduce, meaning copy, but what is between those words, behind them, between the lines.
This is where the mental part of training, the symbolism making it so precious for life itself, comes into play.
This is where someone gets the idea first, training might be more than physical activity.

Last but not leasT:
Kinesthetic. #

Here You start to feel something.
Not only the weights you move, not only the strong muscles of your back, the tightening of the legs, the firm grip of your rotator-scuff-muscles on your upper arm, the increased capacity of your lungs...
You start to feel yourself again.
Feeling how moving yourself and weights outside of yourself moved you back to your center.
People feel more stable, more focused, in harmony with the natural cycles.

It is really hard to describe because to understand the stages yOu have to feel them yourself, use your senses to experience the sensations of transformations.

Maybe you already started by looking at "the man in the mirror".

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,

Freitag, 5. Februar 2010

"The Pussification of America"... Now think about Europe.

I had to link this latest Blog- entry from zach Even-Esh, since it got really deep into my perception of our world today.

Doing only what is necessary, do not deviate from the line of "comfort" given to us from people who want us to buy from them, function for them, bow your head deep into the soup-bowl you call life which has been given to you 15,25,50 years ago.

Because deep down YOU know, it is getting unpleasant if you cross those boarders, getting a new perspective, experiencing all those new emotions, maybe even old ones locked away, accepting you were restricted in your soup bowl before stirrs up a lot.

There is a professional term for such an event: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT/EVOLUTION.

Do not behave like you are an simple, no- cell- nucleous- organsim who stays his whole life (about 5 days) in this single, stinking tarn never doing more than just eat and sh*t.

Lift your head up, look what is beyond if you just get yourself up and start working!

Thx @Zach for his Blog, his Videos, his Website, Thank you for all the work!!

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,

Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2010

Prehab is better than Rehab

I won´t say much more.
On the one hand because there is not much more to say, on the other hand because my next client for Kettlebell- Training is already on his way up.

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,