Sonntag, 3. April 2011

Never let go...except for 4 weeks

Guys...I got my things in order.

About a week ago I visited my mother and asked her to cook me one more meal, maybe bake a cake.

Yesterday I was going out one more time with friends, had a couple of beers, today, after a big lunch, I was lying in the sun for some time, smoked a cigar, poured me a whiskey and simply enjoyed its taste.

Tonight after my workout I´ll enjoy a steak with vegetables one last time, maybe another scotch or a glass of red wine. Then I´ll lie down.

Where I´m going you cannot come but I´ll stay in touch.

Fortunatly you do not have to go to church or a cemetary to stay in touch with me. ;-)

Tomorrow I´m starting the Velocity Diet. So I´ll say bye-bye to all kind of solid food. Milk shakes only for 4 weeks.

Some time after we are born we start to eat solid food.
Especially in the western world we get very accoustumed to it. Often when talking to people, especially when the topic is a low-carb diet like all the Paleo- stuff, I discover people are addicted to sugar. That´s kind of the first stage...

I think it was Winston Churchill who said "Men did not accomplish all he did because he is made from sugar."

Let me be clear: We need food. period.
There are some theories out there claiming there could be other sources of energy availiable to us but I´ll have to expand my scientific horizon for the next 20 years, talk to 20 different yogis, do some really crazy things. After all that I´ll come back to that question. See you then...

We do not need food all the time... We simply get used to eat. Like one can get used to smoking. It´s not only about nicotin, it´s about you as well. If you have to no food availiable you can sustain yourself for weeks. Some people I have seen much longer than others...

If you keep up your training regime and ingest what is crucially to preserve this metabolic active tissue, aka protein, your body only needs energy for the workout itself as well as you basic everyday energy demands (breathing, heart beat, brain activity... Some people really are energy savers with that last one. ;-D)

So you ingest all that is necessary to conserve the metabolic most active tissue needed to burn energy, muscles, and restrict the intake of energy necessary for everything else.
The good thing is, we all do have those extra pockets of energy for such situations. We health professionals call them fat.

Ok, so we get the body into a state of burning fat. Nice...

The only thing which could be complicating things is,
The narrow-minded concept we carry around in our skull all day and call conciousness. The concept of avoiding everything uncomfortable, living in the sweet middle of life, never to cold, never to hot, never whatever your limitations are.
Only when put in extra-ordinary conditions we soar past what we thought impossible...

Even a constructed scheme like the Velocity Diet may help you destroy some of your limitations. Like Dan John wrote in his book "Never let go" ( ): "If you can give up food and booze for 28 days, you can go out and attack any other goals you may have ratteling around in your brain."

Well...I´m used to eat almost every day (some fasting put aside).
So it will definetly be a challenge to me only living on protein for 4 weeks while still working out, getting my medical studies done, having social contacts...

It is planned to have one solid meal per week, I´m not sure what that will be, I´ll reduce my coffee to 1/day or less.
To keep a steady stream of essential vitamins I´ll make part of my shakes with raw-milk, the others will be only whey- protein mixed with water. To me getting rid of the bodyfat is only a side- effect.

The real benefit I´m hoping to reap is on the mental side.
Simply by controlling eating, getting myself into a quite aggressive mindset (by the way, if you associate "aggressive" with something negative...I´m not sure you´ll like me..) of overcoming urges, impulses, useless mind-fuck which developed during my 25 years of "life"...
I´ll meditate a lot and hopefully I´ll make it as difficult for myself as possible. ;-)

I´ll keep you posted on my progress.
I´ll be starting with roughly 81/82kg (measured a about a week ago, I myself do not own a scale...)

What I´ll observe are 1)mindset, 2)performance in workouts and 3)body composition.

So: Never let go. Except food for 4 weeks.
All the best,

9 Kommentare:

  1. Wow,that's a goal!

    I will sure follow your way through this month!
    I think too the mental side will be earn a big benefit....
    Very good post and good luck for you ;-)

    Take care!

  2. Thank you for the post and the "virtual support", I appreciate it!

    It´s always easier to suffer together in a team than alone. ;-)

    Have a great day!

  3. Hey,

    viel Erfolg dabei! Die T-nation Leutln würden dir zwar sagen dass es nur mit Biotestsupps und dem dafür vorgesehenen Trainingsplan funzt aber ich bin gespannt auf deine Resultate :) Woher beziehst du denn das Whey u machst du weiterhin one lift a day?

    lg :)

  4. Noch was, nimmst du Fischöl, anti-oxis, multi usw. wie im Original?

  5. Hey!:-)

    Wegen dem Training hab ich auch lange überlegt, aber Dan John hatte gute Resultate mit Zeugs das auch mir vorschwebt,und ich denk wenn der wissenschaftliche Ansatz solide ist, steht ein Prinzip dahinter und damit sollte das Training, so lange das Prinzip erhalten bleibt, austauschbar sein.
    Ich werd mit Kettlebell- Complexes, Farmers Walks(schwer) und EDT arbeiten, alles eher schwerer, sprich nicht weit in den anaeroben Bereich rein wie beim Conditioning sondern eher in den Kraftbereich rein.

    Die Supps...Omega 3 nehm ich ja sowieso und die anderen sind halt Enhancer...Passieren muss auch ohne die genug.
    Wegen den Vit, Anti-Ox, etc mach ich es so, dass ich von den 5 Shakes(+1 Post-workout) 2-3(+1) mit Rohmilch mache, damit sollte ich gut auskommen. Ein sehr guter Freund von mir hats treffend gesagt "Das ist ja ein Lebensmittel dass den Babies alles gibt was sie brauchen." Ich denk das passt dann gut rein.

    Mein Whey ist das Ultimate Whey von BodyAttack.

    lg :-)

  6. Cool, thx für die Info :) Auf wieviel Kcal/Tag kommst du denn?
    Btw, Frank hats ja auch mal versucht, er meinte Ballaststoffe wären auch anzuraten, damit äh, du weißt schon was besser funzt ;)

    Shugart schlägt für den letzten Shake am Tag auch Erdunssbutter vor, sättigt länger ;)


  7. Immer gerne. :-)

    Kcal zähl ich nicht, ich hab mir meine Shake-Anzahl mit dem Rechner von t-nation ausgerechnet...

    Ja, Ballaststoffe hab ich eh drinnen, jeden 2-3 Shake mit einer ordentlichen Portion Leinsamen. :-D

    Ja, Erdnussbutter hab ich auch gelesen, das Problem is hier nur meine Nussallergie...Aber ich denk mir, dadurch dass ich ja teilweise Rohmilch nehm, wird das schon passen.
    Das Sättigungsgefühl is mir eh egal, der Kopf braucht das Training eh. ;-)


  8. Haha, nice :)
    Ich glaub irgendwann muss ich sowas auch machen, just for the heck of it ;)
    Damn, ja, hab ganz auf deine Nussallergie vergessen. Könntest auch für den letzten Shake bissl Schlagobers nehmen, yummy :)

  9. Ja,das Fett-verlieren ist mir nur dritt-rangig...Mir gehts um den Mind-fuck-Faktor, und ich glaub der wird noch witzig. :-D Allein deshalb muss es fast mals machen...

    Schlagobers ist eine gute Idee, danke. :-)
    Wenns aber nur um das Sättigungsgefühl geht brauch ich es derzeit nicht. Mal schauen wie es in 2 Wochen ist. ;-)
