Donnerstag, 25. März 2010

Powerful beyond measure

Never be afraid to shine as bright as the sun and stars!

No more words necessary.

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,

Sonntag, 21. März 2010

Walking amongst giants

I often speak about the way of the warrior, his path on this earth, under this sun.

Going an your own, fighting, improving, to battle for yourself and others is one thing.

The company of other beings is the other thing.

Every day i realize how privileged I am.
Not only do I have got all the possibillities to get every education I could ever want, to afford all the little extras I need, so see the world, with my own eyes or through the ones of others.

The more I wander this earth the more people I am allowed to meet the more humble I become.

The internet made it possible for me to obtain all the information I need for my training, my personal favoured tool for self- development.

Clients of mine asking questions which turn around my perception of movement and allow me to understand it better and make it better for others.

But I am also given the chance to meet people on my way, most of the time through my medical education, who are giving me the gift of spending time with them, talking to them, listening to their expiriences, their way of seeing things around us, feeling the world outside and within;
showing me details which enrichen my life, open my mind in many ways to multiply my own possibilities both inside and outside.

Those people, most of them at the beginning of their journey, some further ahead on their path than others, already obtain knowledge enough for ages.
Most of the time I sit among them, listening, imagining, feeling, dreaming, asking myself what kind of wonderful energy brought me to them.

Thank you.

Train hard and enjoy life, walk every walk with open eyes.
All the best,

Dienstag, 16. März 2010


I just recieved a email from a fellow warrior, Dominik Feischl ( about a hellish challenge we are about to tackle at the 17th of April.

Maaaaaan it is gonna be awesome.
Speed rope climbing, heavy tires, mean stones...All outside in nature together with people who work like... how would zach even-esh put it... beasts!! :-D

Moreover the challenge (there will be videos) will only be the starting point of the day, because afterwards there are already waiting some hellish pullup- and climbing-variations waiting for us, two weaknesses of mine.

Well... Time to do my Towel Pullups to prepare for the rope climbing, Farmers Walks for the tire and C&P with kettlebells to lose the fear of the stone. ;-)

Those exercises will not only get you strong but will also help develop a strong core, necessary for injury prevention in all sports or every-day-activity.

Train hard and enjoy life!!
All the best,

Samstag, 13. März 2010


Tonight there was no time for regeneration, only time for people dear to me and dancing.

This song with an espresso and my day is already perfect.
(Not to speak about the client about to arive...)

Train hard and ENJOY LIFE!
All the best,

Donnerstag, 11. März 2010

Code of the warrior - NEVER, EVER QUIT!

Last and, if you ask me, the most important point of all:


No matter what happens in this life, no matter how heavy sh*t rains down on you, no matter what you win or lose, who you meet or never get to know,...

Never ever quit working hard, improving yourself. Constantly attack life in the way we were meant to: learn, do, love, live.

No matter how tough. No matter how painful. Never, ever quit!

Well, we are at the end of the Code of the warrior...
If even one person in the world wide web read one marked word in this series and will already have started to change into someone better, a true warrior, I´ll have achieved more in my lifetime than I could ever have hoped for.

I will as well continue to grow, always ready to live the life of a warrior.

True warriors can not choose what they are. They only can choose their weapons!

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,

Mittwoch, 10. März 2010

Valery Fedorenko @ Arnold Fitness Expo

Just impressive!!

This kind of skill and athleticism also translate into other feats of strength as you can see in the video below when Valery held a workshop at Zach Even-Eshs´ Gym in 2008.

Train hard and enjoy life.
All the best,

Dienstag, 9. März 2010


A proper warmup is important to reduce the risk of injury when working out and increase performance.

It helps to lubricate the joints with the synovial fluid and increase blood flow both to the muscle as well as around the joints, tendons, ligaments.

Moreover it gives one the ability to fit in corrective exercises like the cossack- squat in an otherwise tight trainings schedule.


Above you have very good examples for a proper warmup.

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,

Samstag, 6. März 2010

Dan Gable, Dedication & The Habit of Winning by Zach Even-Esh

An amazing Blog-Entry by Zach!!

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,

One evolution at a time

A very dear friend of mine gave me a awesome christmas present:
A documentation of the US Navy SEAL- Selection Process called "BUDs- Basic Underwater Demolition Training".

Men from every social group, every color, every ethnic background, every education possible, together, be it in the "Grinder", a small place with nothing to fear but endless Bodyweight Exercises starting at 0400 a.m. and ending at 0400 p.m., together carrying, lifting, balancing huge tree trunks, together enduring endless periods in ice-cold water.

One scene inspired this very Blog-post:

An aspirant was failing to perform a log- exercise with the perfect form and tempo expected from the instructors.
Therfore he was punished with an seemingly endless set of pushups.
The camera- team was allowed to conduct a short interview under one condition: he had to give it in the pushup- top- position.
So they asked him, while he struggled to keep his body up under his own weight, amplified by his clothes which were wet from all the water, made even heavier by sand clinged to the canvas, his hands trying to find something in the sand to hold on to:
"How will you make it through the next log- exercises if you have to do all those pushups now? How will you make it through the rest of the day?"

He responded: "I don´t think about that right now... Right now, I´m doing pushups. So I focus on doing pushups. One at a time. After doing pushups, I´ll do what the instructors tell me to. One evolution at a time."

For most people he will seem like a stereotypical drone of the US- Military. Following orders, already powered down his own will.

If you look closer you will see a man with an understanding of the situation evolved only possible from endless hours of physical exhaustion and careful thinking of ones´ mental processes.

When do accidents happen? When do we make mistakes?
Only in moments when we are doing something, maybe we are already tired, and our mind starts to wander.
I know this mental process very well, since I am a hypno-therapist, I worked long hours figuring out how to induce/produce it.

The soldier mentioned above uses Trance- like states to focus on the exact thing he is doing right now, therefore switching of the parts of his conciousness likely to give up.

When would you rather give up??
-When you have to one more 1)pushup, 2)article to read, 3)room to clean, 4)etc.
-When you got a whole day/week/month/life ahead of pushups, articles to read, rooms to clean,...
The imagination of a long period of time ahead with activities you dread can be overwhelming.

So what he does is to chunk it. Split the whole period up into several activities.
By doing this, he reliefes himself of mental pressure, allows a more fluid work- process and achieves a higher focus on single tasks.

One step, one evolution at a time!
(You better write this one down!)

Myself, I found this extremly usefull.
I´m the kind of person who has his education (which is quite time consuming), is physically active, does coaching, reads (most of the time 2-3 books parallel) and tries to have some sort of social life.

Most of this I can not change.
But what I can change is my view of causality, how to arrange things I have to do and where I fit in things I want to do.

For example, I recently discovered "Speed Reading".

I watched the series, discovered I enhanced my reading speed(with same comprehension rate) within 15minutes of watching and 8minutes of practice from 300 Words/min to 400 Words/min
So... It works to some degree.

Since I spend much time either reading stuff for my medical education or reading up on relevant topics for my personal trainer- education I thought and give one of the books a try and do the outlined 7-day-program.

Every one must know one thing: such 7-day-programs are ALWAYS only the start.
They give you a basic understanding (if they are very good) and the rest is up to you.

But if you have to read a lot nevertheless, why not get the basics of speed reading and then incorporate the practice into the obligatory processes?
2 birds with one rock. ;-)

So: I put all my other books on hold and I will focus on the speed- reading practice for a week, maybe I´ll be done faster.
After that I hopefully have increased my reading speed and comprehension rate and will be able to catch up on what I`ll have missed up to then.

I keep you posted.

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,

Mittwoch, 3. März 2010


Without words.

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,

Dienstag, 2. März 2010

Regeneration - Qi Gong

While some of my colleagues enjoyed their well- earned semester break I took an additional class about Traditional Chinese Medicine offered by the Medical University in Graz.

One class I especially enjoyed:
Qi Gong with Dr. med. Xiaoqiu LI.
He is a master in Wushu and Daoyin Yangsheng Gong, National Wushu- and Sanda- Champion.

And somehow we were honored to learn the basic QiGong- Form with him for several hours.

I usually dread getting out of bed even one minute earlier but actually feeling what Qi Gong can do for you and managing one time trying it first thing in the morning (which requires getting out of bed 15minutes earlier each day) convinced me to make it a fixed point in my daily regime.

One saying always comes to my mind when I breath, feel and move my way out of the morning fog in my head into the light of a new energy in myself:
"You got to learn how to rest hard to be able to train hard."

Now I´ll be able to train somewhat harder because I learned to take 15 minutes each day aside to do something which will not build muscle, which will not increase my work capacity, which will not make me tougher... least not by itself.
But put together with my other intense workouts each week it forms a formula for success.

Working hard and resting hard to gain as much as possible!
Between your joints and between your ears!

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,


Enjoy life.
Now and then take it easy, lean back, enjoy the view. Smell the roses along the way.

If someone steps in your path and trys to get you off: Fight!! Do it with vengeance.
You are in this world to go your way, live your life. No one is allowed to take that from you.

I always liked one line of a song: "Bark very little but know how to bite!"
Be humble before life and all the souls in it but don´t take any abuse!

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,