Montag, 25. Januar 2010

EDT - 2nd Phase

I started my first EDT- cycle back in autumn.

EDT = Escalated Density Training.
But lets keep it simple. Pick two exercises and do them back to back for 10 to 20min.

Use total body exercises and medium to heavier weights. (Don´t go all out with the weight. You have to work as fast as possible and heavy weights, a lot of volume, little time and a athlete on a non-professional-level almost every time equal deterioration and injury.)

Take one pushing and one pulling exercise.
For example use a Clean & Jerk with one or two kettlebells and do as many explosive, precise repetitions in the given time interval as possible.

Another idea I first got from Ross Enamit and David Whitley is to do one time interval with focus on the legs, e.g. with Cleans and Squats, and one with focus on the upper body, e.g. with Military Presses and Pullups, Bent-over Rows, etc.

I started my new cycle a few days ago.
The first workout consists of 15min C&J with two 24kg Kettlebells and 15min of Sandbag(50kg)- Carry.

I progressed from the last cycle by exchanging the two 16kg Kettlebells.
Progressing in the cycle can be done by first increasing the time and then the repetitions.

You can use every (odd) object to do EDT- style training, if you do not have weight simply use BodyWeightExercises, go out into nature and pick up stones, logs, etc.

Start your EDT- Training with lighter weights and progress if you can easily go all-out.
Be careful not to overreach when starting training with such an intense workout- mode!

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,

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