Samstag, 30. Januar 2010

Code of the warrior - DISCIPLINE

Get the things done which have to be done. It is that simple.

There will always be reasons not to do certain things right away. Guess what?! DO them anyway.

Combined with a laser-sharp FOCUS (yeah, that´s right, you heard that one already... It´s number one on the list of the "Code of the Warrior") it assures that things are ready when you need them.
That is one point in a fight, in business, in life which leads to success.

If you studied your opponent he will throw a punch but you saw it coming for some time and the counterattack will hit.

If you studied the market, your target audience, you will have your business- concept ready when the market demands it. Are you in need of an example? Kettlebells. Just wait 2 years.

If you studied yourself, improved yourself a little bit every day, worked toward something you really want for yourself, became a little bit better, be it in something you like or simply as a person, you will be ready for all the hardship in life. It will still be hard as hell to deal with but you will have the resources to deal with it!

Because it pays of tomorrow. For sure.

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,

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