Sonntag, 3. Januar 2010

Code of the warrior - DON`T TAKE ANY ABUSE

Yesterday I attended the Wintertraining in Thomasroith.
There, working all day, enduring challenges, lifting one thing after another, moving, performing,... Challenging oneself gets the mind going as well as your whole body.
There I got to think about that phrase... "Don´t take any abuse".

Who can abuse you?

External "foes".
Abusing you physically...Well, those are no match for a warrior. Deal with them the same way.
Abusing you mentally. People outside who want you to go down, who don not want you to succeed, because they can not themselves.
Those are the "no- sayers", the ones constantly telling you this or that can not be done.
Those are the dangerous ones. They work with little steps at a time. They go slow but in the end will break you if you let them.

"Do not set your expectations that high."
"Come on...That can not be done."
"Do you really think you could ever achieve that??"
"How can you be happy this way?"

Keep your friends close, your enemys closer. Watch them, learn how they work.
Then you know their game and guess what...It won´t work.
But keep your eyes open, there are a lot of them outside!
If you can not deal with them at the moment, because it is just to much, get them out of sight, 100%, surround yourself with people who truly want to help you, take your time to assess you situation, your resources, you potential, your weaknesses, your strengths.

One has to be realistic about the TIME ONE REACHES CERTAIN GOALS, but overall THE SKY IS THE LIMIT!

Internal foes.
This is the little voices inside your head telling you "I can not go on." "I can not do this." "I´ll never reach this goal."
"I have to do this, they expect me to do it..."
"I have to do this or I´ll lose my face in front of the others."

Comfort. Ego. Fear. Lack of fear. Blind trust. Laziness.
Hell yeah, there are many. But a warrior is always mindful, watchful, vigilant.
To experience ones´ emotions, ones way of thinking, acting, making decisions... To experience oneself.
That´s the way of a warrior.

Don`t take any abuse!

Train hard and enjoy life.
All the best,

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