Freitag, 8. Januar 2010

Code of the warrior - KEEP YOUR WORD

Self- respect. Planning. Thinking ahead.

A warrior knows himself, even if ever-changing, knows what is honorable.

When you don´t know it and not got ther courage to admit it: keep your mouth shut, listen and learn.
When you don´t know it and got ther courage to admit it: say so and listen so you can learn.
When you know it: say so. But most important: Stand by it.

Keep your word, one, a warrior, is only as good as her/his word.
Everything can be taken from one, you and me, but never our integrity.

KEEP YOUR WORD, it is the foundation of self- trust and trust in others, respect, honor.

Keep your word.

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,

2 Kommentare:

  1. This has to be one of the best blog post series I have read lately.

    Much truth in short words. Thank you, Harry!

  2. Thank you very much, Simon.

    I read the "Code of the warrior" some time ago and it has sharpened my sense of basic believes, self- perception and my way of going through life.

    Since my blog was always meant to carry ideas, products of my core- believes to the ones interested, I felt the need to post it here.

    Writing down each point demands self- reflection and so I think I´m able to achieve something beautiful:
    a constant re-evaluation of myself and giving something that helped me a lot.

    All the best,
