Get the things done which have to be done. It is that simple.
There will always be reasons not to do certain things right away. Guess what?! DO them anyway.
Combined with a laser-sharp FOCUS (yeah, that´s right, you heard that one already... It´s number one on the list of the "Code of the Warrior") it assures that things are ready when you need them.
That is one point in a fight, in business, in life which leads to success.
If you studied your opponent he will throw a punch but you saw it coming for some time and the counterattack will hit.
If you studied the market, your target audience, you will have your business- concept ready when the market demands it. Are you in need of an example? Kettlebells. Just wait 2 years.
If you studied yourself, improved yourself a little bit every day, worked toward something you really want for yourself, became a little bit better, be it in something you like or simply as a person, you will be ready for all the hardship in life. It will still be hard as hell to deal with but you will have the resources to deal with it!
Because it pays of tomorrow. For sure.
Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,
Samstag, 30. Januar 2010
Freitag, 29. Januar 2010
One of the biggest flaws- revisited
One of the two major flaws of the Kettlebells pointed out when discussing them with people is the fixed weight of the bells.
Most of the time I hear it when talking to people who primarily train with dumbbells, barbells or bodyweight- exercises.
You know what... They are right.
You can take a dumbbell, barbell and scale it to your exact needs. You can control and scale you progress better.
With a kettlebell you will have to work up to a higher amount of repetitions before you can progress up to a bigger bell.
Well, I still consider Kettlebells one of the best tools around, simply because you can work with them girevoy-style, meaning the sport-competition-style with maximum efficiency or you use them in a more powerlifting-like-style.
It is simply a weight. ;-)
Another major concern of people is, what happens with their money once they have "outgrown" a certain Kettlebell- weight.
For example:
If you have worked up to 200x Snatches and an insane amount of Clean & Presses with the 16kg Kettlebell or if you extended your Timed Sets of Snatches and Clean & Jerk all up to 10min with only one hand- switch most people are ready for the 24kg bell.
But what about the 16kg?
People are always afraid the bells become useless and something standing in their house or apartment gathering dust.
Well...Let me tell you a story.
I got two 12kg Kettlebells. I do not work with them...I bought them for teaching purposes only. They are simply too light to deliver any effect when training with them.
That´s my comment before "Never Let Go" by Dan John.
One chapter is the Tabata Protocoll.
8 Rounds with each 20sec. Work(as many reps as possible) and 10sec rest.
I did this before, only with Bodyweight Exercises...Those already where like some medieval torture!!
Just try it whith Bodyweight- Squats or Burpees... ;-)
Now I added weight to the Tabata Prot..
2x 12kg Kettlebells used for Front Squats in the Tabata Mode...
Well...after the last set I could make it to the fridge, get some milk and back to my desk...That is where I stayed for about 15 to 20min... My quads were completly tense from all the blood and I could almost not bend my knees...The muscle simply wouldn´t let me stretch it...
What did I and what can you learn from my experience?
If you think a weight is too light, you havn´t cranked up the intensity high enough!!
As always, make sure you have a good atheltic base befor trying such insane intense workouts!!
Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,
Most of the time I hear it when talking to people who primarily train with dumbbells, barbells or bodyweight- exercises.
You know what... They are right.
You can take a dumbbell, barbell and scale it to your exact needs. You can control and scale you progress better.
With a kettlebell you will have to work up to a higher amount of repetitions before you can progress up to a bigger bell.
Well, I still consider Kettlebells one of the best tools around, simply because you can work with them girevoy-style, meaning the sport-competition-style with maximum efficiency or you use them in a more powerlifting-like-style.
It is simply a weight. ;-)
Another major concern of people is, what happens with their money once they have "outgrown" a certain Kettlebell- weight.
For example:
If you have worked up to 200x Snatches and an insane amount of Clean & Presses with the 16kg Kettlebell or if you extended your Timed Sets of Snatches and Clean & Jerk all up to 10min with only one hand- switch most people are ready for the 24kg bell.
But what about the 16kg?
People are always afraid the bells become useless and something standing in their house or apartment gathering dust.
Well...Let me tell you a story.
I got two 12kg Kettlebells. I do not work with them...I bought them for teaching purposes only. They are simply too light to deliver any effect when training with them.
That´s my comment before "Never Let Go" by Dan John.
One chapter is the Tabata Protocoll.
8 Rounds with each 20sec. Work(as many reps as possible) and 10sec rest.
I did this before, only with Bodyweight Exercises...Those already where like some medieval torture!!
Just try it whith Bodyweight- Squats or Burpees... ;-)
Now I added weight to the Tabata Prot..
2x 12kg Kettlebells used for Front Squats in the Tabata Mode...
Well...after the last set I could make it to the fridge, get some milk and back to my desk...That is where I stayed for about 15 to 20min... My quads were completly tense from all the blood and I could almost not bend my knees...The muscle simply wouldn´t let me stretch it...
What did I and what can you learn from my experience?
If you think a weight is too light, you havn´t cranked up the intensity high enough!!
As always, make sure you have a good atheltic base befor trying such insane intense workouts!!
Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,
Montag, 25. Januar 2010
EDT - 2nd Phase
I started my first EDT- cycle back in autumn.
EDT = Escalated Density Training.
But lets keep it simple. Pick two exercises and do them back to back for 10 to 20min.
Use total body exercises and medium to heavier weights. (Don´t go all out with the weight. You have to work as fast as possible and heavy weights, a lot of volume, little time and a athlete on a non-professional-level almost every time equal deterioration and injury.)
Take one pushing and one pulling exercise.
For example use a Clean & Jerk with one or two kettlebells and do as many explosive, precise repetitions in the given time interval as possible.
Another idea I first got from Ross Enamit and David Whitley is to do one time interval with focus on the legs, e.g. with Cleans and Squats, and one with focus on the upper body, e.g. with Military Presses and Pullups, Bent-over Rows, etc.
I started my new cycle a few days ago.
The first workout consists of 15min C&J with two 24kg Kettlebells and 15min of Sandbag(50kg)- Carry.
I progressed from the last cycle by exchanging the two 16kg Kettlebells.
Progressing in the cycle can be done by first increasing the time and then the repetitions.
You can use every (odd) object to do EDT- style training, if you do not have weight simply use BodyWeightExercises, go out into nature and pick up stones, logs, etc.
Start your EDT- Training with lighter weights and progress if you can easily go all-out.
Be careful not to overreach when starting training with such an intense workout- mode!
Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,
EDT = Escalated Density Training.
But lets keep it simple. Pick two exercises and do them back to back for 10 to 20min.
Use total body exercises and medium to heavier weights. (Don´t go all out with the weight. You have to work as fast as possible and heavy weights, a lot of volume, little time and a athlete on a non-professional-level almost every time equal deterioration and injury.)
Take one pushing and one pulling exercise.
For example use a Clean & Jerk with one or two kettlebells and do as many explosive, precise repetitions in the given time interval as possible.
Another idea I first got from Ross Enamit and David Whitley is to do one time interval with focus on the legs, e.g. with Cleans and Squats, and one with focus on the upper body, e.g. with Military Presses and Pullups, Bent-over Rows, etc.
I started my new cycle a few days ago.
The first workout consists of 15min C&J with two 24kg Kettlebells and 15min of Sandbag(50kg)- Carry.
I progressed from the last cycle by exchanging the two 16kg Kettlebells.
Progressing in the cycle can be done by first increasing the time and then the repetitions.
You can use every (odd) object to do EDT- style training, if you do not have weight simply use BodyWeightExercises, go out into nature and pick up stones, logs, etc.
Start your EDT- Training with lighter weights and progress if you can easily go all-out.
Be careful not to overreach when starting training with such an intense workout- mode!
Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,
Dienstag, 19. Januar 2010
Kettlebells for Fat Loss
Very nice article, the link/information was provided by David Whitley, Sen. RKC via Facebook.
Good to have something printable to throw at people who recommend jogging for fat loss...
Well, partially I´m kidding. ;-)
But, all jokes aside, it is always nice to have some data which supports the individual and personal experience.
Intensity and a total body effort is essential for the transformation of body and mind.
Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,
Very nice article, the link/information was provided by David Whitley, Sen. RKC via Facebook.
Good to have something printable to throw at people who recommend jogging for fat loss...
Well, partially I´m kidding. ;-)
But, all jokes aside, it is always nice to have some data which supports the individual and personal experience.
Intensity and a total body effort is essential for the transformation of body and mind.
Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,
Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2010
Code of the warrior - TRAIN TO WIN
(This is actually a transcript of a recording from 2,3 nights ago when I woke up in the midle of the night, thinking about the blog- entry but i was still to perplex to write. :-D )
Earlier this evening I had a conversation with a friend about, well, I guess Ying&Yang, 0 and 1, black and white, training and regeneration.
This entry is about "Train to win". So... What does winning mean?
Who is the winner?
The last one standing.
In the end, no matter what you do, all that matters is that you are still standing.
You need to train hard enough to being able to deal with everything.
Your body needs to be able to handle every load, strain possible.
Your mind needs to be able to deal with every threat, get your body up even after been beaten down one time too often.
You need to rest hard enough to give your body and mind the possibility to rebuild, reshape itself and emerge even stronger from the trauma of the training, its´ intensity, its´ raw energy.
Train to win.
Today, tomorrow. Anywhere. You never know...
Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,
Earlier this evening I had a conversation with a friend about, well, I guess Ying&Yang, 0 and 1, black and white, training and regeneration.
This entry is about "Train to win". So... What does winning mean?
Who is the winner?
The last one standing.
In the end, no matter what you do, all that matters is that you are still standing.
You need to train hard enough to being able to deal with everything.
Your body needs to be able to handle every load, strain possible.
Your mind needs to be able to deal with every threat, get your body up even after been beaten down one time too often.
You need to rest hard enough to give your body and mind the possibility to rebuild, reshape itself and emerge even stronger from the trauma of the training, its´ intensity, its´ raw energy.
Train to win.
Today, tomorrow. Anywhere. You never know...
Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,
Sonntag, 10. Januar 2010
Code of the warrior - KEEP YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR
Family, the job, self- development, be it physically or mentally, relationships,...
All that is hard work.
All the points of the "Code of the warrior", Focus, thinking ahead, taking responsibility, no whining, etc. help us to get to the point, get the job done.
One thing we have to remember:
Taking the hits, keep on getting up, keep on moving forward.
Sometimes it´s hard, sometimes it´s very hard.
Keep your sense of humor, smell the roses along the way.
That way, it will be a little bit more bearable, you will get a little further down the road with each step.
You will be beaten down, struggeling to get up and still you will be able to see and admire, enjoy and draw strength from the flowers, the green grass growing on the floor you have been beaten down to...
Confidence, in yourself and the universe around you, allows you to keep your sense of humor.
But you already kNow that, don´t you?
Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,
All that is hard work.
All the points of the "Code of the warrior", Focus, thinking ahead, taking responsibility, no whining, etc. help us to get to the point, get the job done.
One thing we have to remember:
Taking the hits, keep on getting up, keep on moving forward.
Sometimes it´s hard, sometimes it´s very hard.
Keep your sense of humor, smell the roses along the way.
That way, it will be a little bit more bearable, you will get a little further down the road with each step.
You will be beaten down, struggeling to get up and still you will be able to see and admire, enjoy and draw strength from the flowers, the green grass growing on the floor you have been beaten down to...
Confidence, in yourself and the universe around you, allows you to keep your sense of humor.
But you already kNow that, don´t you?
Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,
Freitag, 8. Januar 2010
Code of the warrior - KEEP YOUR WORD
Self- respect. Planning. Thinking ahead.
A warrior knows himself, even if ever-changing, knows what is honorable.
When you don´t know it and not got ther courage to admit it: keep your mouth shut, listen and learn.
When you don´t know it and got ther courage to admit it: say so and listen so you can learn.
When you know it: say so. But most important: Stand by it.
Keep your word, one, a warrior, is only as good as her/his word.
Everything can be taken from one, you and me, but never our integrity.
KEEP YOUR WORD, it is the foundation of self- trust and trust in others, respect, honor.
Keep your word.
Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,
A warrior knows himself, even if ever-changing, knows what is honorable.
When you don´t know it and not got ther courage to admit it: keep your mouth shut, listen and learn.
When you don´t know it and got ther courage to admit it: say so and listen so you can learn.
When you know it: say so. But most important: Stand by it.
Keep your word, one, a warrior, is only as good as her/his word.
Everything can be taken from one, you and me, but never our integrity.
KEEP YOUR WORD, it is the foundation of self- trust and trust in others, respect, honor.
Keep your word.
Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,
Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2010
Crassfit - Whenever, wherever
Yesterday we got together for another CrassFit- Training in Linz before I´m off to Graz again.
About 5°C below zero, a small playground and a huge parking lot beside the Danube.
The more I train, the more I get to know all the sophisticated workout- and programming-approaches, the more I like the KISS- principle.
E.g.: You want to develop work capacity and muscles?
Ok, do a lot of work followed by a lot of food.
We did 80 Hindu- Squats and some Joint Mobility to get the blood-flow going.
Well...we always got our body with us. The brain...mhm...I guess that´s a trick question, I´m not always sure about that.
We hit rope- pullups at the playground with a pyramid of 7 reps.
"Pyramid" means the repetitions go up and down again, so everybody did 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,... reps one after another.
Bodyweight again. Simple.
After that it was time for Clean & FrontSquats with two Kettlebells, in my case two 24s.
So you do 1 Clean per Frontsquat.
We hit a pyramid again with 1,3,5,7,9,7,...reps.
You need 2 weights for this one. 2 Kettlebells, 2 dumbbells, same or different weight... It doesn`t matter.
To mix things up if you already can wor with 2 24kg Kettlebells, pick up your estimated 55kg girlffriend(they behave like barbell-plates: if you can´t read the weight when looking at them, don´t even bother asking them...You ´ll get no answer. ;-D ) throw her over your shoulder and do the squats.
For the sake of the relationship, don´t do a clean after every rep. Believe me...Bad Mojo Guys!!
So...we hit the whole body with a nice volume of Strength- work.
What does this mean for a CrassFit- Workout??
Right... Time for Conditioning.
Since we all were quite beat, already got kettlebells in our shaking hands(not sure if the cold or the lack of strength was to blame), we did 2 short rounds of Swings, Cleans, Push Presses, High Pulls and Pushups involving the Kettlebells.
Well...Lets not talk about the last drills we did with the sled...You know, dragging, pulling, swings(yeah, your read correctly...). It was fun, really, but...Lets not talk about it.
CrassFit in Linz...
Training with motivated people, obeing the KISS- principle, working hard.
Oh... By the way, one short tip for you since I got some experience with CrassFit:
If you ever attend, drive up to the meeting- point, get your stuff together and before you walk up to the training- site: leave your ego in the car.
Believe me, you don´t want to have that with you, it´s just ballast!!
Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,
About 5°C below zero, a small playground and a huge parking lot beside the Danube.
The more I train, the more I get to know all the sophisticated workout- and programming-approaches, the more I like the KISS- principle.
E.g.: You want to develop work capacity and muscles?
Ok, do a lot of work followed by a lot of food.
We did 80 Hindu- Squats and some Joint Mobility to get the blood-flow going.
Well...we always got our body with us. The brain...mhm...I guess that´s a trick question, I´m not always sure about that.
We hit rope- pullups at the playground with a pyramid of 7 reps.
"Pyramid" means the repetitions go up and down again, so everybody did 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,... reps one after another.
Bodyweight again. Simple.
After that it was time for Clean & FrontSquats with two Kettlebells, in my case two 24s.
So you do 1 Clean per Frontsquat.
We hit a pyramid again with 1,3,5,7,9,7,...reps.
You need 2 weights for this one. 2 Kettlebells, 2 dumbbells, same or different weight... It doesn`t matter.
To mix things up if you already can wor with 2 24kg Kettlebells, pick up your estimated 55kg girlffriend(they behave like barbell-plates: if you can´t read the weight when looking at them, don´t even bother asking them...You ´ll get no answer. ;-D ) throw her over your shoulder and do the squats.
For the sake of the relationship, don´t do a clean after every rep. Believe me...Bad Mojo Guys!!
So...we hit the whole body with a nice volume of Strength- work.
What does this mean for a CrassFit- Workout??
Right... Time for Conditioning.
Since we all were quite beat, already got kettlebells in our shaking hands(not sure if the cold or the lack of strength was to blame), we did 2 short rounds of Swings, Cleans, Push Presses, High Pulls and Pushups involving the Kettlebells.
Well...Lets not talk about the last drills we did with the sled...You know, dragging, pulling, swings(yeah, your read correctly...). It was fun, really, but...Lets not talk about it.
CrassFit in Linz...
Training with motivated people, obeing the KISS- principle, working hard.
Oh... By the way, one short tip for you since I got some experience with CrassFit:
If you ever attend, drive up to the meeting- point, get your stuff together and before you walk up to the training- site: leave your ego in the car.
Believe me, you don´t want to have that with you, it´s just ballast!!
Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,
Dienstag, 5. Januar 2010
Code of the warrior - JUST DO IT
Tough questions, difficult decisions, maybe(!) dreadful consequences. Some moments in life make us tremble.
Should I ditch my old job and risk not getting the better one?
Should I go over there and as her/him out?
Think of 1 to 999999999999 other difficult questions.
100% of the people reading this know what I mean.
85% will have something like that happening in their life right now.
Well... Only one thing, and ONE THING ONLY to do now:
Lean back, take a step back, take a deep breath and listen:
YOU KNOW what is right.
YOU KNOW what is the right way.
Because YOU FEEL it deeeeeeeep inside!
Sometimes we are afraid of big decisions. That is ok. Everybody is.
The IMPORTANT thing is to JUST DO IT.
It is that simple. It can be. You can allow it to be.
Be a warrior.
Just do it.
Train hard and enjoy life.
All the best,
(By the way: this blog-entry was not sponsored by nike.)
Should I ditch my old job and risk not getting the better one?
Should I go over there and as her/him out?
Think of 1 to 999999999999 other difficult questions.
100% of the people reading this know what I mean.
85% will have something like that happening in their life right now.
Well... Only one thing, and ONE THING ONLY to do now:
Lean back, take a step back, take a deep breath and listen:
YOU KNOW what is right.
YOU KNOW what is the right way.
Because YOU FEEL it deeeeeeeep inside!
Sometimes we are afraid of big decisions. That is ok. Everybody is.
The IMPORTANT thing is to JUST DO IT.
It is that simple. It can be. You can allow it to be.
Be a warrior.
Just do it.
Train hard and enjoy life.
All the best,
(By the way: this blog-entry was not sponsored by nike.)
Sonntag, 3. Januar 2010
Code of the warrior - DON`T TAKE ANY ABUSE
Yesterday I attended the Wintertraining in Thomasroith.
There, working all day, enduring challenges, lifting one thing after another, moving, performing,... Challenging oneself gets the mind going as well as your whole body.
There I got to think about that phrase... "Don´t take any abuse".
Who can abuse you?
External "foes".
Abusing you physically...Well, those are no match for a warrior. Deal with them the same way.
Abusing you mentally. People outside who want you to go down, who don not want you to succeed, because they can not themselves.
Those are the "no- sayers", the ones constantly telling you this or that can not be done.
Those are the dangerous ones. They work with little steps at a time. They go slow but in the end will break you if you let them.
"Do not set your expectations that high."
"Come on...That can not be done."
"Do you really think you could ever achieve that??"
"How can you be happy this way?"
Keep your friends close, your enemys closer. Watch them, learn how they work.
Then you know their game and guess what...It won´t work.
But keep your eyes open, there are a lot of them outside!
If you can not deal with them at the moment, because it is just to much, get them out of sight, 100%, surround yourself with people who truly want to help you, take your time to assess you situation, your resources, you potential, your weaknesses, your strengths.
One has to be realistic about the TIME ONE REACHES CERTAIN GOALS, but overall THE SKY IS THE LIMIT!
Internal foes.
This is the little voices inside your head telling you "I can not go on." "I can not do this." "I´ll never reach this goal."
"I have to do this, they expect me to do it..."
"I have to do this or I´ll lose my face in front of the others."
Comfort. Ego. Fear. Lack of fear. Blind trust. Laziness.
Hell yeah, there are many. But a warrior is always mindful, watchful, vigilant.
To experience ones´ emotions, ones way of thinking, acting, making decisions... To experience oneself.
That´s the way of a warrior.
Don`t take any abuse!
Train hard and enjoy life.
All the best,
There, working all day, enduring challenges, lifting one thing after another, moving, performing,... Challenging oneself gets the mind going as well as your whole body.
There I got to think about that phrase... "Don´t take any abuse".
Who can abuse you?
External "foes".
Abusing you physically...Well, those are no match for a warrior. Deal with them the same way.
Abusing you mentally. People outside who want you to go down, who don not want you to succeed, because they can not themselves.
Those are the "no- sayers", the ones constantly telling you this or that can not be done.
Those are the dangerous ones. They work with little steps at a time. They go slow but in the end will break you if you let them.
"Do not set your expectations that high."
"Come on...That can not be done."
"Do you really think you could ever achieve that??"
"How can you be happy this way?"
Keep your friends close, your enemys closer. Watch them, learn how they work.
Then you know their game and guess what...It won´t work.
But keep your eyes open, there are a lot of them outside!
If you can not deal with them at the moment, because it is just to much, get them out of sight, 100%, surround yourself with people who truly want to help you, take your time to assess you situation, your resources, you potential, your weaknesses, your strengths.
One has to be realistic about the TIME ONE REACHES CERTAIN GOALS, but overall THE SKY IS THE LIMIT!
Internal foes.
This is the little voices inside your head telling you "I can not go on." "I can not do this." "I´ll never reach this goal."
"I have to do this, they expect me to do it..."
"I have to do this or I´ll lose my face in front of the others."
Comfort. Ego. Fear. Lack of fear. Blind trust. Laziness.
Hell yeah, there are many. But a warrior is always mindful, watchful, vigilant.
To experience ones´ emotions, ones way of thinking, acting, making decisions... To experience oneself.
That´s the way of a warrior.
Don`t take any abuse!
Train hard and enjoy life.
All the best,
Wintertraining in Thomasroith 2009
"We ride together, we die together. Bad Boys for life."
Have you seen the movie "Bad Boys"?
It doesn´t really mather. I´ll come back to the quote in a few moments...
Our host Dominik Feischl ( invited us to the Wintertraining 2009 to Thomasroith in Upper Austria.
I have been invited to several camps but i never know whats going to happen to me once i get there.
Altough Dominik only uses simple, highly effective training tools and methods he has succeeded in combining it with his amazing creativity and passion for training into a flexible training system where you never know whats going to hit you.
Only two things are for sure:
-you will have to demonstrate your will to perform in every energy system you got( from anaerobic to aerobic, from maximal- strength to strength- endurance)
-you will meet only people there, willing to go that extra mile, that extra set of pullups, that one-more-rep-with-the-log with you.
We started the day with a light warm-up jog(yeah, I know, I know, I jogged... ;-D) and some joint-mobility combined with bodyweight- movements to get our blood flowing and increase our core- temperature.
The first workout was provided by Karl Humer.
Karl, "Charly", is a guy you can get up to a pullup- bar, go away, do your christmas- shopping, meet some friends for coffee, shop for dinner- ingredients and then come back... Be sure he has been up on that bar doing pullups, one- arm- static- holds, grip- variations for the whole time!!
So we had the pleasure to learn from his method of strength- development, exercise- selection by doing all this stuff for about one hour!!
My favourite exercise was when all the trainees where hanging from the bars and we had to pass down a brick from one person to another...That is some amazing strength!!
The second workout was the Wintertraining- Challenge by Dominik Feischl.
To keep it simple: as fast as possible do all of the following exercises:
-30x Trapbar-Deadlifts 70kg
-20x Tire Flips 160kg
-3x Tire- Carry for about 40m
-30x Ring- Pushups
-100x Sledge Swings
-50x Around- the-world with a bulgarian bag, estimated13kg
-3x up and down stair-crawls
I don´t know where to start... Yesterday I started with the stair crawls...They kick some serouis a**!!!They al
most killed me!
I proceeded to the tire flips, which are normally quite easy for me, since i got a good technique due to all my Kettlebell- work. But thanks to the snow, the tire was almost impossible to grab and therefor you needed almost 3 TO 4 attempts to lift the damn thing ONE TIME!!
Have you seen the movie "Bad Boys"?
It doesn´t really mather. I´ll come back to the quote in a few moments...
Our host Dominik Feischl ( invited us to the Wintertraining 2009 to Thomasroith in Upper Austria.
I have been invited to several camps but i never know whats going to happen to me once i get there.
Altough Dominik only uses simple, highly effective training tools and methods he has succeeded in combining it with his amazing creativity and passion for training into a flexible training system where you never know whats going to hit you.
Only two things are for sure:
-you will have to demonstrate your will to perform in every energy system you got( from anaerobic to aerobic, from maximal- strength to strength- endurance)
-you will meet only people there, willing to go that extra mile, that extra set of pullups, that one-more-rep-with-the-log with you.
We started the day with a light warm-up jog(yeah, I know, I know, I jogged... ;-D) and some joint-mobility combined with bodyweight- movements to get our blood flowing and increase our core- temperature.
The first workout was provided by Karl Humer.
Karl, "Charly", is a guy you can get up to a pullup- bar, go away, do your christmas- shopping, meet some friends for coffee, shop for dinner- ingredients and then come back... Be sure he has been up on that bar doing pullups, one- arm- static- holds, grip- variations for the whole time!!
So we had the pleasure to learn from his method of strength- development, exercise- selection by doing all this stuff for about one hour!!
My favourite exercise was when all the trainees where hanging from the bars and we had to pass down a brick from one person to another...That is some amazing strength!!
The second workout was the Wintertraining- Challenge by Dominik Feischl.
To keep it simple: as fast as possible do all of the following exercises:
-30x Trapbar-Deadlifts 70kg
-20x Tire Flips 160kg
-3x Tire- Carry for about 40m
-30x Ring- Pushups
-100x Sledge Swings
-50x Around- the-world with a bulgarian bag, estimated13kg
-3x up and down stair-crawls
I don´t know where to start... Yesterday I started with the stair crawls...They kick some serouis a**!!!They al
I proceeded to the tire flips, which are normally quite easy for me, since i got a good technique due to all my Kettlebell- work. But thanks to the snow, the tire was almost impossible to grab and therefor you needed almost 3 TO 4 attempts to lift the damn thing ONE TIME!!
The sledge swings where ok for me, since I do them myself and I got a good pace. Nevertheless my heart p
ounded like a drum. :-D
With the Trap-Bar-Deadlifts I got motivated and did them in one set. Oh yeah, by the way, my hammies, quads, glutes and lower back quit and went on vacation after about 25 reps.
After that the Ring- Pushups were hellish and the fairly light Bulgarian Bag almost killed me.
I will not talk about the final tire- carries here...;-) Although they were fun.
After that nice, little challenge we had a cup of tea. cup. It felt more like a box squat...
Taking your weight(the cup), sitting back on a bench, taking a sip and then you hear your coach (in our case Dominik) shouting "UP!!!" and you give it all you got to make that lift.
When you are up... Well... We were off to our next workout.
The third and final workout of the day (yes, ONE DAY!) was another challenge by Dominik.
We went for a run in the woods surrounding Dominiks´ self- made gym.
This one was in its own way the most difficult one but at the same time the most beatiful.
Running, brief walking, Sprinting up inclination covered with ice and snow, between tress, branches,... It just felt right to work out like this. Thank you Dominik for this experience!
Between the slopes we did a ton of pushups, pullups(about one hour into the woods we absolved a pullup- ladder with some guys going up to 9 reps and an additional all-out-set!!), and squats, clean & presses, overhead- squats with logs we found on our run. Some you could pick up yourself, otheres required teamwork.
The most difficult thing was keeping your gloves flexible, since we sweated a lot (I wonder why...) our gloves were soaked and if you did not move them for about an minute, they simply froze up on you...
Getting them flexible again was sort of a grip- challenge inbetween. :-D
After that (by the way, we roamed the woods for about 2 hours without a break!!) we hit the showers and we all went to a lovely tavern for dinner. This was a perfect oppotunity to exchange thoughts and interact with the fellow warriors over some eggs, meat and vegetables.
(I admit, I had some french fries too... Shame on me. ;-D)
To get back to the first quote:
10 athletes, with 10 different focuses, 10 different approaches towards training, 10 different personalities, 10 different performance- levels.
Some there were a lot stronger than me, but I kicked their ass during the hill-sprints. Some kicked mine there as well, but I had an advantage with the deadlift since I got a good base built with Kettlebells.
Some guys could only walk the slopes while others sprinted them. So what?! The faster one simply carried each other uphill.
If they still had some spare time... We´ll... Always time for some pushups and pullups!!
Everybody performed at a different level at each station/workout.
It was never important to us.
Some guys we had to drag up the slopes. So what?! We ride together, we die together!
We started this together, we finished this together!!
That is the mind-set you expect and get from warriors who understand the effort it requires to push ones limits!
Thank you Dominik, for giving people the possibility to experience such a mental effort at least once in their life or to come back several times a year and develop it as a ability, as a tool aiding in ones´ whole life.
I will not talk about the final tire- carries here...;-) Although they were fun.
After that nice, little challenge we had a cup of tea. cup. It felt more like a box squat...
Taking your weight(the cup), sitting back on a bench, taking a sip and then you hear your coach (in our case Dominik) shouting "UP!!!" and you give it all you got to make that lift.
When you are up... Well... We were off to our next workout.
The third and final workout of the day (yes, ONE DAY!) was another challenge by Dominik.
We went for a run in the woods surrounding Dominiks´ self- made gym.
This one was in its own way the most difficult one but at the same time the most beatiful.
Running, brief walking, Sprinting up inclination covered with ice and snow, between tress, branches,... It just felt right to work out like this. Thank you Dominik for this experience!
Between the slopes we did a ton of pushups, pullups(about one hour into the woods we absolved a pullup- ladder with some guys going up to 9 reps and an additional all-out-set!!), and squats, clean & presses, overhead- squats with logs we found on our run. Some you could pick up yourself, otheres required teamwork.
The most difficult thing was keeping your gloves flexible, since we sweated a lot (I wonder why...) our gloves were soaked and if you did not move them for about an minute, they simply froze up on you...
Getting them flexible again was sort of a grip- challenge inbetween. :-D
After that (by the way, we roamed the woods for about 2 hours without a break!!) we hit the showers and we all went to a lovely tavern for dinner. This was a perfect oppotunity to exchange thoughts and interact with the fellow warriors over some eggs, meat and vegetables.
(I admit, I had some french fries too... Shame on me. ;-D)
To get back to the first quote:
10 athletes, with 10 different focuses, 10 different approaches towards training, 10 different personalities, 10 different performance- levels.
Some there were a lot stronger than me, but I kicked their ass during the hill-sprints. Some kicked mine there as well, but I had an advantage with the deadlift since I got a good base built with Kettlebells.
Some guys could only walk the slopes while others sprinted them. So what?! The faster one simply carried each other uphill.
If they still had some spare time... We´ll... Always time for some pushups and pullups!!
Everybody performed at a different level at each station/workout.
It was never important to us.
Some guys we had to drag up the slopes. So what?! We ride together, we die together!
We started this together, we finished this together!!
That is the mind-set you expect and get from warriors who understand the effort it requires to push ones limits!
Thank you Dominik, for giving people the possibility to experience such a mental effort at least once in their life or to come back several times a year and develop it as a ability, as a tool aiding in ones´ whole life.
Train hard and enjoy life.
All the best,
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