Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2009

Code of the warrior - THINK AHEAD

Easy as pie... Keep your eyes on the road, look where you are going.

If you know the way, or at least know where you are starting from, where you want to finish and a little bit about the way your are already ahead in the game.
SOmetimes you even get some roadsigns on the way to show you how far you already have come...

Enough with the metaphor. But i like to tell metaphors at first, because those are far more benefitial for You and me most of the time.

For many people, such as me, it can be life-changing to realize where they actually are, who they are and thinking, REALLY THINKING abou what they want.
Becoming concious about their goals, what makes them happy.

One thing i kNow, you just have to get up, make up your mind and go Your way...
Take charge of your life.

And the only way to achive this, you already know, is to get to know what´s in front of you.

Steps in the dark are always small, hesitant, unstable.
Brighten your future, enlighten the way, get to kNow it. ;-)

Enjoy life and train hard!
All the best,

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