Montag, 20. Dezember 2010

What it takes

I met some strong guys during my short training career.
Strong meaning both physical as well as mental strength.
One can not develop one without the other.

Guys who pushed themselves through workouts who would blow an average person right off the bench, the field, the track, platform, out of the building, garage, cellar,...
Workouts fot time, reps, sets, both.
I did some things ordinary people consider crazy. Well...

One can push oneself beyond many limitations, discover new aspects during the process, right after it or even when months have passed.

Imagine loading a bar onto your shoulders with your bodyweight and go for 30+ squats...

Imagine loading the bar with 2 times your bodyweight...

Imagine sprinting 400m, all out, only to get to a station where you need to perform 10 Clean & Press with a 40kg stone. Then repeat the process several times.

Imagine running a marathon...

People close to me, friends, family, sometimes ask me "Why are you doing this to yourself? "
"Because through my workouts I develop my mind.", is usually my answer.
One person asked me once "And what happens when you are too old to do such workouts? What will you do then? Then you cannot do such things anymore..."
I thought about tis question and answered "Hoepfully when I´m at this point I wil not depend upon physical exercise as my only tool to develop my mind."
To me(!!) exercise is the best tool. Period.
To others it may be painting, singing, religion, yoga, feeding animals at the zoo, taking care of their parents/loved one/friends/...,working at an office...

To me, mental strength is the most important thing because all the physical things can be taken away from you very quickly and very easy.
When all that is left: Who will you be then.

People like my push themselves in their training, just for the sake of pushing oneself.

Still...There is one thing in common when you are training in such a way:
You can always quit. "Stop...Right know...I do not have it in me today...I´ll come back stronger the next time."
It´s ok, right?

One question haunts my thoughts, training physically, being a martial artist for several years: What if I have no choice?

What if you are in a live-or-die-situation? Two ways: forget the flight, fight or die.
Many people in history, in this very moment go through tremendous terrors due to slavery, torture, prosecution...Some will survive, some will not.

How will one react if put against a wall, left with no more than the two options? Who will fight till the end, who will give in to the illusive easy way out?

Who will be able to face any situation any fight till his end?
Who will never take the easy way out?
Who can be put against the wall and still think clearly?

Thos are questions which keep me up at night, make me do crazy things, write these blog-posts...

Now I have recieved an astonishing opportunity to ask someone who knows.
I´ll keep you posted...

Train hard and enjoy every moment!
All the best,

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