Montag, 21. Juni 2010

Change in tides

Very soon after I started serious training I also started documenting it at a bulletin board (

There are some guys and gals there which I consider brothers and sisters in mind and spirit, simply put because the know how to bust their a**es with hard work, therfore can appreciate it when seeing it done by others and have developed their minds and spirits according to it.
Have been granted the honor of meeting such people makes me proud.

My training-log also provided a chance to recieve feedback.
I´m not talking about the approval for some hard and some crazy training sessions...(Those only boost my ego, therefore I enjoy them briefly but after that I have no use for them)

I´m talking about criticism, suggestions, additions, etc. .

Lately some people thought a lot about my training(including myself), some even asked me about it.

They noticed a decreased amount of crazy workouts like Ross Enamait- style- workout or the Full Mission Profile Workouts.

They noticed an increase of Rehab-, Skill-, Light Kettlebell-, Yoga-Stuff- and Assistance- Exercise- training...

So they asked me, long after I started asking myself: "Have you lost your passion?". "Have you lost your drive?". "Do you not want to push yourself anymore?".

Well...To be honest: no, not right now.

During the last weeks and months I aged a lot faster. I´m not talking about my body but my mind, my spirit,...
Do not get me wrong, this being older is something 100% positive.

I simply shifted some priorities, sought and found some new challenges; and therefore I also percieve my physical challenges in a different way now.
I´m satisfied with 20min of Yoga during some days, some high volume light Kettlebell Long Cycle during others.
This is my truth right now.
I know I will have a different truth during the summer, in 5 years, and again in 25 years.

Right now I am really, really happy about the fact I can be happy with some training integrated in my life after several years of life being integrated in my training.

I wish all you gals and guys out there an awesome change in tides in your life!

Train hard and enjoy life!
All the best,

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hi!
    Cooler Blog ;-)
    I make my comment in german ;-)

    Ich sehe solche Entwicklungen auch nicht als Rückschritt,oder gar als den Verlust von Leidenschaft am Training!
    Für mich zählt nicht nur die Leistung von dem heutigen Training,sondern wie wirkt sich mein Training,auf die langfristige Erhaltung meiner Funktionalität aus!
    Klar muss man sich oft auch Grenzen wagen,um diese zu verschieben,aber die Erhaltung auf Dauer ist mir Persönlich auch wichtiger,als schnell mal irgendwelche P.R. aufzustellen ;-)
    In diesem Sinne:Nice post!
    Take care ;-)
    Gruss Sascha

  2. Danke für dein Feedback!
    Ja, ich denke auch dass sie Nachhaltigkeit ein extrem wichtiger Faktor in der Trainingsgestaltung ist!
    Nur so kann man den Verfall im Alter vermeiden und wirklich von einem "Leben" bis ins hohe Alter sprechen.

