Getting up that day was not easy... I had to figure out the angle of my shoulders which allowed me to pull myself up into the sitting position and how to contract my quads when getting out of my bed without starting to howl like a injured wolf.

Well, I did it. ;-)
After a good breakfast I hit the road and in no-time arrived at the Naturtrainings- center in Thomasroith.
The vibe was even better than the first day altough you could see that everybody had some sore muscles. The outlook of working with Steve and Dominik outside in the sun and having a clue of the information to come gave us the endorphines to forget all about the soreness.
Like the first day we started with Joint Mobility.
I figure the 50minutes we spent doing them saved a lot of my joints and muscles, because considering the kind of work we did plus the volume I´m satisfied with my health- status.
The next topic was "pulling".
This part was hosted by Dominik since he is one of the strongest guys considering pulling power I know.
We talked about the Pullup, a ton of ways to modify the basic version, how to focus this one exercise towards strength, maximum strength, strength endurance, Steve threw in some excellent coaching- and performance- keys and of course we did several challenges at the well known hand- walking- circuit...I am just happy I did not developed any blisters or hurt any tendons... It is simply amazing how strong one can get using only the own bodyweight.
Well... If you pull something you gotta push something.
And we did push ourselves.
Steve took us from the basic pushup with all the important structural keys up to the one- arm- one- leg- pushup.
It was simply amazing to see Steve bang out around 7 one- arm- pushups for demonstration.
The next topic was the pistol.
I´ll be honest, I do not like pistols.
Maybe because I never got the mobility to do one without holding something in front of my body. Maybe because my groin and thigh muscles cramp up when I have to hold the non- working leg out in front when doing them.
But if Coach says they are good for you... Well, there is no way you can argue with that. He´s got the experience. He´s got the performance. That´s it.
So Steve took us from the basic squat to prep- exercises for the pistol to the exercise itself and showed us ways to establish a basic performance level as well as progression- options.
After all this our bodys were allowed to take a few minutes of rest while Steve gave a theory lesson about Mobility, Overreaching and Obertraining as well as Regeneration.
Awesome stuff!!
The final challenge was a 4- circuit- training.
Yeah, 4 different circuits, between 3-5 rounds each circuit which in the end added up to 50minutes of training.
50minutes of Clubbells, MAcebells, Hindu Pushups, Tire Flips, Spartacus Lifts, Log Flips, Rope Climbing, Gracie- Pistols and much, much more...
Man, my whole body was burning after that one...
You guessed right...
We were not allowed to finish...
Right after the end of the circuit we started jogging around the Naturtraining soccer field, only interrupted by shuttle- runs.
Still not being enough, we had to finish strong with a bear crawl over the soccer field to the finishing line, ending one of the greatest athletic experiences I ever had, with one of the greates coaches I know, Steve Maxwell, hosted by one of the strongest and kindest among the people I call my warrior brothers, Dominik Feischl, accompanied by some of the most tough and kind brothers in arms I had yet to meet.
Train hard, train smart and enjoy life!
All the best,